💙 Explore a Topic. Read verses. Pray them over your son. 💙
Not every day is perfect. Not every picture is perfect. You are not perfect. Your son is not perfect. The only perfection we can find is found in God. God, and God alone, is perfect. Take everything to God in prayer. You don’t know what to do? You feel fear? You worry? Take it all to God in prayer . . . and don’t stop praying. EVER. And the best thing is, it’s never too late to start praying. These next five days are going to lay a foundation of prayer that you can begin praying for your son. Start today and don’t ever stop. Even when it seems like it’s not working - don’t stop. Write down the daily verses and a prayer for your son in the space provided, or in your own journal. See God work.
Their Salvation and Daily Walk With God
Psalm 119:133 -
Psalm 1:1 -
Acts 2:38 -
John 14:6 -
I John 1:9 -
Your sons salvation is the foundation for everything. Before you move onto anything else, take your son’s salvation to God in prayer each and every day. You may not see any fruit. You may see them walking further from God, rather than closer. Don’t EVER stop praying for your son’s salvation. It doesn’t matter if it takes years. Don’t stop. If your son IS walking with God . . . pray for their walk every single day. Pray for the enemy to never get a foothold. Pray for him to want to read God’s Word and want to live for God. Pray, and don’t stop praying for your sons walk. Even if it seems like he’s “got it all together”, don’t stop praying.
Guide Their Steps and Open Their Eyes to One Step They Can Daily Take to Move Forward
Proverbs 13:12 -
Isaiah 58:11 -
John 14:26 -
Proverbs 11:14 -
I don’t know about you, but my boys are at an age where they have big dreams and goals, but find themselves getting easily discouraged. They look at their friends who seem to be “further along” than them. They want to be making more money. They don’t have a clue as to the ONE thing they want to do for the rest of their lives. They feel unrest in what they are doing, and they feel like failures.
💙 Daily pray that God would: 💙
Guide their footsteps.
Keep their eyes off everyone else.
Grant them peace.
Keep discouragement far away.
Give them one daily action step that will move them forward.
Hedge of Protection
Psalm 34:7 -
Psalm 27:5 -
The devil is evil. No way around it. I Peter 5:8 tells us to be alert because our enemy the devil prowls around looking for someone to devour. He wants our sons. He wants to destroy them. This sounds harsh because it is harsh and there is NO way around it. We are not to live in fear, so cover your son in prayer every single day. Do you wake up in the night and feel fear? Feel nervous for your son? Start praying for a hedge of protection right away. Pray for a wall around him that no evil can break through. Pray for every single evil person, who’d like nothing better to see your son fall, to be kept far away.
Their Health
Exodus 23:25 -
III John 1:2 -
Matthew 10:8 -
When we first think of our sons health, I’m sure we think of sickness . . . and yes, that’s a part of it. Pray for your son to be protected from all sickness and disease. Pray for healing from any pain or sickness he may be experiencing. But don’t stop there.
Pray that God would open his eyes to how he should be eating - what foods are best for his body, and which ones he should stay away from.
Pray that God would open his eyes to the activities he does, and if they are helpful to keeping him strong mentally and physically - does he exercise or get some type of movement in each day?
Pray for him to also care for his mind. Is he filling his mind with things that are positive and bring him up, or down? His mental health is just as important as his physical health.
Their Relationships
Ecclesiastes 4:9 & 10 -
Proverbs 27:17 -
Romans 12:9 -
Whether your son is married, engaged, dating, or a self-proclaimed bachelor and loves all the ladies - their relationships are so important. Are they a leader or a follower? Are they a “my way or the highway” kind of guy or do they allow themselves to be a doormat? Are they kind and compassionate? Are they self-centered. This area of relationships is so important and sometimes one we overlook.
💙 Some things to Pray for: 💙
They would be a team player
They would be a listener, but know when it’s appropriate to speak up
They would not follow the crowd, but stand up for their beliefs, even when it’s tough
They would be surrounded by people that love God and want to follow Him, and are godly examples - not people who would bring them down a wrong path
They would have people cheering them on
They would know how to be a husband (boyfriend) and love their wife (girlfriend)
They would stay sexually pure
There are so many topics we can pray about - the list is never ending! These are the top five topics I find myself praying for my boys daily. Obviously we can add or take away based on where our sons are at, and what they are going through, but I found these five to be ones I continue to pray over their lives - and now the lives of a fiancé and girlfriend. I also find that as I am praying these things over my boys, I can also pray them over my husband and myself. I pray these encourage you to begin, or continue, to pray for your son. Like I said, the devil wants to see them destroyed but every day I say that my God is bigger and loves my boys more than satan hates them. Don’t live in fear. Live in confidence that God has not forgotten you or your son - even when it seems hopeless. Keep praying. Don’t give up.
Grab a journal and start scheduling some quiet time each day to pray for your son. Find other key verses. Sometimes I find one verse and write it down on a separate 3x5 card and leave it by my chair as a reminder to pray the verse over my son throughout the day. Pick a certain verse and pray it every day. Pick a few verses. Add your sons name to the verse and it’s promise.
Tell your son you are praying for him. Let him know some things you are praying. Whether he is walking with God or not, tell him. Ask him. Ask him what you can pray about. Get excited when he shares an answered prayer with you and point out that that is exactly what you’ve been praying about! God is so good. I love it when one of my boys will text me and ask me to pray for a certain thing. I make sure to do it right away.
Be prepared that satan isn’t going to like this, and he is going to do everything he can to discourage you to stop. DON’T. Just keep reminding yourself that God is bigger and God ALWAYS wins.
I’d love to know how things are going! I’d love to know any answers to prayer (celebrate them ALL - big or “small” - they all matter.) Keep me updated on how God is answering and working in not only your sons life - but yours as well . . . because God changes us in the process too!